Sunday, February 24, 2013

My Little Sunshine

My youngest son, C is "my sunshine".  He loves when I sing that song to him and he loves that I refer to him with that title.  This week he turns 5.  He's a real piece of work;  amazingly bright, funny, opinionated, and has never met a stranger. He has a zest for life and sings most of his thoughts or says them with great dramatic flair.  I write this post in honor of his 5th Birthday week.  Here are a few adorable tidbits to give you a better idea of who this pint sized boy is:

  • He's not even 5 yet and he's in love with a girl he's known before he could speak.  They both discuss their eventual marriage and have even been in trouble for kissing at the after-school daycare. She draws the two of them surrounded by hearts and they exchange "I love you".
  • He started full day prekindergarten this year and he loves it.  He's learning so much and is making a lot of friends.  It's great to see him grow and experience new things, but it's also a little sad as it serves as a reminder of time passing quickly.  He's certainly no longer a baby.
  • He loves video games, Sponge Bob, playing at the park, dressing up, playing with his brother, super heroes, karate, and snuggling up with me on the couch.
  • He has a laugh that soothes my soul and makes my insides glow.  He giggles and just really has a zest for life.  I hope he never loses it, but sadly society has a way of robbing adults of that same joy.
  • As I type he is fresh from his bath in his little tiny Elmo underwear demonstrating the basics of Kung Fu for me in the living room, stopping occasionally to experiment with his new Spongebob camera his brother picked out for his birthday present.  
  • We are anticipating a giant snow storm over the next two days and it makes me excited for him as the thought of having a "SNOWBALL FIGHT!" will make his entire week!
  • In fact, last week after receiving a little snow I let him and his brother dress themselves and go outside.  All decked out in their winter gear and super hero costumes, they made their way outside.  They were out there for quite some time when they came back to the front door exhilarated and smiling.  My oldest said, "He started a snowball fight with a lady walking her dog!"  C shouted "And it was AWESOME!"  Apparently he tagged her as she walked by, she retaliated and they loved it.  After he told me about it, he said.."Oh wait,  I forgot to invite her to my birthday party!"
  • He's a great snuggler.  In the middle of the night, he joins the hubs and I in our bed and snuggles up right next to me.  It's like my own little heater. :)
Happy birthday, C! "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."


  1. He is a ray of sunshine! You forgot to talk about how appreciative he is of all gifts! The best gift receiver ever!! :) Love him and his brother! Love that you started blogging!

  2. That's true, Amanda! Although, after Hank gave him a present tonight he said, "Is that all?" Ugh. Teaching manners is hard work!
