Monday, May 19, 2014

Needing a Reboot!

Since March I've fallen off the wagon.  I thought I had my food issues under control.  One bad decision here, one bad decision there leads to a whole heaping helping of bad decisions on a daily basis.  Meanwhile, what I've been calling a plateau in my weight loss has really been caused by no longer following the rules for successful weight loss. So, instead of continuing to beat myself up about it like I've done for years, I'm taking control and getting back on track.  I'm human.  I make mistakes, but I don't need a pass here.  I have to be accountable for my behavior and choices.

Today, I started the Reboot diet that my clinic suggests when sugars and starchy foods have started creeping back into the diet.  It will be a tough two weeks, but I know I can do it!  Plus, it should help me get under the 200 mark into one-derland.  I've been chasing that goal for months now.

Here are the major facets of weight loss (as dictated by the clinic I use):
1-Support. Find family, friends, or a support group that will help you stay accountable to your plan.
2-Hydration. 64 ounces of non-carbonated, non-caffeinated fluids that contain no sugar and are less than 15 calories per serving.
3-Exercise. The general suggestion is at LEAST 30 minutes three days a week.  I try to get at least 30 minutes a day 5 days a week.  I also use my Samsung Health app in my phone to make sure I get 10,000 steps in each day. It's tougher than you'd think!
4- Nutrition. Follow a high protein, no starch diet.  Include protein and lots of green leafy vegetables. There are many good low starch vegetables that will help you keep variety in your diet.

The Reboot Diet I'm currently following for 2 weeks is a bit tougher than that.
Breakfast: protein shake
Midmorning snack: protein bar
Lunch: protein shake
Afternoon snack: protein bar
Dinner: protein shake

I'm using the Atkins brand shakes and bars, but I know there are other brands that work well too.

Thanks for all the support and love I've received through this journey.  I wish health and happiness for all of you.

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