Friday, March 22, 2013

Parenting Series: Sanctimommy


Merriam Webster's Definition:

"a mother who points out perceived faults in the parenting of others"

The Mommy Wars have been fought since the beginning of parenthood, but they've only become relevant and of interest to me as I now find myself in a position to be judged.  Don't get me wrong, I was a sanctimommy long before I even had children but I'm sure learning to slow down before I pass judgment on other mommies.

Being a parent is such a difficult role, why do we react so judgmentally towards others?  There are thousands of parenting books stuffed with theories and suggestions on how to raise happy, healthy children.  I've read suggestions I've applied and love and I've read suggestions that I think are horrible. I've had to eat my words and use trial and error to guide my way through this daunting parenting trip. We may think we have the answers, but there are a lot of ways to raise a child.

Every parent breaks rules...or has some area of weakness.  For some it might be, letting your baby go to bed with a bottle...or giving them solids before 4-6 mos...or letting toddlers stay up late...or letting your kids play mature video games....or leaving your kids in the car while you run in the store.  Some are clearly worse than others. Here's a chart covering parenting behavior that is most likely to be judged according to a poll on The Today Show:

We use other parents as bench marks for our parenting skills.  How am I doing?  Am I inadequate?  Am I doing enough?  As long as you are plugged in as a parent and trying to make the best decisions for your kids you are doing GREAT! I think I'm a damn good mom.  I shouldn't say "damn" though.  There's a reason my five year old said, "Where's my damn milk?" after he couldn't remember where he sat it this week.  We'll just say it's due to the hubs colorful vocabulary. :)

I'm not perfect though and if I've made one mistake, I've made a hundred.  Just today, I fell asleep while the kids roamed the house on their own.  After a 45 minute nap, I woke up to find them playing video games on the wii and acting angelic.  As I started to sit on the couch, I saw them.  5 silver wrappers.  My kids consumed FIVE packages of pop tarts while I napped.  How on earth does one (or in this case, 2) eat that many pop tarts?!!! I just bought that box too! I made them turn off the wii and spend the rest of the evening without video games. So, yes, each of us will make mistakes as we go along, but we can still try to resist the urge to judge other mommies.  It's not a contest.

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