Thursday, March 13, 2014

Breakfast Skipper?

Growing up I remember loving breakfast.  It was usually a sweetened, not so good for you, cereal that helped me start my day. In fact I have memories of one of my brothers hiding the "good kind" aka Fruity Pebbles in the empty dishwasher so no one else would eat the yummy kind.  Ha.

  When high school and college came, it was easier to just sleep through breakfast and I started the horrible habit of skipping that so very important meal.  Not that so much sugar was a better start anyway. There's lots of research pointing to the benefits of breakfast and how it helps start your metabolism, but  I've struggled finding an enjoyable breakfast since I've started my health journey.  Peanut butter waffles--out, cereal--out, oatmeal---out.  Seems like I ate a ton of starchy foods prior to my diet change.  Eggs are one of the best choices, but I don't love them enough to eat them daily.

 I recently came across the Oscar Mayer P3 portable protein snacks at Wal-Mart.  They are only a dollar and there are a few selection choices.  They are small, but work great for me, a chronic breakfast skipper.  They are easy to eat in the car or while I'm getting ready in the morning. They are essentially an adult lunchable.  According to the LA Times, "Oscar Mayer boasts each pack contains no artificial preservatives, little to no sugar and at least 13 grams of protein. " I thought I'd pass along my find to other breakfast skippers that might be struggling with the same problem I've had.

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