Sunday, February 9, 2014

My Weightloss Journey

Hey friends! It's been a while since I've blogged.  Life has a way of making me feel like I'm too busy to sit down and write here, but since I think this is a valuable use of my time I hope to make it a regular habit.

My life for the most part has not changed that much, but I have made some major changes in regards to the health of myself and my family.  We have completely changed our eating habits.  Starting in August of 2013, I decided to get serious about my health.  I was sick and tired (literally) of being fat.  I'm 5'5 and weighed in at my highest at 276lbs.  I was exhausted and quickly developing some major medical issues like sleep apnea, aching back, joints, and slowly rising blood pressure. I didn't feel like playing with my kids and I certainly couldn't keep up with them. Things were spiraling out of my control.

After my mom had weight loss surgery several years ago, she had numerous complications and I always thought I'd never try that.  One day I went to take my kids to get their summer pictures taken by one of my favorite photographers at A Touch of Wonder photography.  After visiting with her, she told me she had lost a lot of weight via surgery. She looks amazing!  I went home, looked up the place she used online, and promptly watched their introduction seminar on video.  They offer weight loss counseling or weight loss surgery.  I mulled it over and tried to psyche myself up about it as a possibility.  I had honestly always thought of it as a cop out.  When the hubs got home that day, I told him I was looking into it.  He was quiet, but seemingly supportive.  The following week I called and set up my first appointment with Weight Wise in Edmond. 

I was unsure about whether or not I wanted to go through with it.  My husband was now vocal and extremely hesitant.  He worried about potential health risks and was even more concerned about the financial debt we would have to incur.  I called my parents for advice and guidance.  They, of course, want the best for me.  They want me to be healthy and to be around for as long as possible.  They were very supportive of whatever I wanted to do.  My first appointment was a positive, but eye opening experience.  I discovered my BMI fell into the morbidly obese category.  My assigned doctor is hands-on and in your face.  He let me know very quickly that he was serious and if this surgery is the route I decided to take it's not a solution, it's a tool. In addition to the surgeon, I met with a nutritionist, an exercise physiologist, and a patient advocate.  I left there with a diet plan, an exercise plan, and another appointment for the next month.

I spent that weekend letting it sink in a bit.  The diet seemed a bit extreme. I was told to eliminate sugar, starches, soda, and caffeinated coffee.  That was practically what I lived on at that time.  I drank 4-5 diet sodas some days. We always had potatoes or bread with our meals. It was going to be a challenge. 

My husband agreed to follow the diet with me.  The doctor wanted me to lose 13lbs before he would consider doing surgery to verify that I could follow the required lifestyle necessary to sustain the weight loss once it was all said and done.  It took me about a month to wean myself off soda, but we went cold turkey on the starches. No breads, pastas, tortillas, chips, rice or any other starch laden food. 

Because I had a specific goal that didn't seem too hard to grasp, I was able to be successful.  We started introducing lots of new vegetables into our diets and were creative in our menu planning.  We discovered that cauliflower is the most versatile food out there.  The weight started to come off.  By the time I went back for my second appointment I had lost more than the 13 required pounds. I was taking all the steps, but still hadn't completed committed to the surgery. We set a tentative surgery date before Thanksgiving.  I knew I had time to reconsider, but the harder I worked the more I wanted this to be a life long change.  We diligently followed the plan.  I lost 32lbs prior to surgery.  The morning I weighed in before surgery I was at 244lbs. 

On November 26th, 2013 I did it. I had a sleeve gastrectomy performed that morning.  I know this isn't the route that works for everyone and I have a lot of mixed emotions about using  this procedure.  At some point I realized I cannot worry about what everyone else thinks about my choices.  I have to live my life and make my own choices.  I have to do what is best for me and my family.  The surgery and the first month after were definitely challenging.  Since the surgery, I've lost an additional 37lbs.  I'm down to 207!  So close to ONEderland. :)

This is just one part of my process.  One tool that is helping me see faster results.  It's keeping me motivated to move forward.  I say it's a tool because the weight can come back.  I say it's a tool because it doesn't do all the work.  I have had to and continue to work very hard to get the weight off. This is by no means a cop out.  I still want to lose about 72 more lbs.  I have a lot of work ahead of me in the next year or so.

I'm so lucky to have so many supportive friends and a fantastic family to help keep me on track.  I couldn't do it without you all.

As always...
My cup runneth over,